Monday, October 17, 2011

Soccer Season ends:(

 Saturday was Jaxson's last soccer game of the Fall Season.
We start again in the SPRING and Jaxson claims that he'll never survive the wait:)

His soccer games were stressful and equally as exciting for me to watch!
Each game I got more and more into it:)
I fully admit that I am one of the crazies.
I start screaming things and getting all frustrated and anxious...then suddenly remember where I'm at and what I'm doing. (Example: Kristin...they are FOUR and they get a box of goldfish and a twinkie for winning...not a gold medal for pete sake!) That being an example of my innner-conversations with myself after recognizing that I've been screaming at my son to RUN RUN RUN at the top of my lungs for 3 minutes without stopping to take a breath.


I had surgery last week and was supposedly on "bedrest" during his last game.
Needless to say, NOTHING would keep me from being there. SO I did what any other mother would do and I waddled and limped to my usual spot on the sidelines.

Jarom gave me rules before agreeing that I could go.
Such as: No yelling. No screaming. No getting OVER-EXCITED.
Especially because I was breaking all the rules by moving my butt from the couch.

I tried.
I failed.

So please ignore the shouting you'll hear...during the small video clip of a few of his goals this game!
Jarom kindly edited many of my outbursts out of the clip.

Jaxson made HUGE improvements this season and eventually got over his "tender feelings" about stealing the ball away from the other team:)

I wasn't up to lugging my giant camera across the field on Saturday (I just had surgery remember:)...but my sister snapped a few shots of him in action. They crack me up.

He gets his skills and speed from from his dad...and the drama from his mother:)

(I am almost certain that he was proud of himself on this move)
He spun around with a grin and gave us a big thumbs up immediately afterward.


I think he's following in his dad's footsteps: he eats and breaths sports.

Jarom LOVED soccer when he was Jaxson's age.
Jarom's mom and brother's have told me for YEARS that when he was in elementary school he refused to wear jeans. He would ONLY wear sweatpants to school for YEARS....because jeans slowed him down! haha!

Sounds like he hasn't changed much.
I have to barter for time with him between all of his "games" each week.
I always knew what I was getting when I married him...I just didn't realize that I could CLONE him.


Jaxson's third game of the season. A few of his many goals! Wahoo:)
Go my baby! #6
Tomorrow is our pumpkin patch field trip for preschool! It will be nice to get out of the house:) It is honestly one of my first outings in weeks. I am sick of "recovery" and ready to enjoy the 2 weeks we have left of FALL! Please don't snow....please don't snow....please don't snow.
I hope somebody has been able to enjoy the beautiful weather!

1 comment:

Maranda said...

What a little Rock Star Jaxson is...and you for leaving the house!! So fun to watch him play!