Friday, May 20, 2011

They graduated!...and model airplanes.

All 12 of my Smarty Pants officially graduated from preschool tonight!
They were darling, sang beautifully and looked adorable in their little dresses, suit & ties.
I am going to miss them. SOOO glad that I get to see some of them again in the Fall.


Kids are the best teachers.
I learned something valuable from each of them this year.
They love so unconditionally. They are so appreciative of everything. They forgive so quickly.
They each are SO different...but they don't notice. At 3 and 4, being DIFFERENT is celebrated.

Tonight during our ceremony I asked them each what they wanted to be when they grew up!
Some said a Policeman, some said a Dentist, one wanted to be a Ninja, and one wanted to be a transformer.
They truly think they could be WHATEVER they want...if they put their mind to it.

I guess my mission was accomplished.

p.s. I bawl like a baby during the slideshow of the year.
I think it may have something to do with the song "Let them stay little" that is playing as the pictures of them growing are flashing on my screen.

Oh boy.
Grab a box of tissues & 4's gonna be one of those really long, good cries.


I did make a few notes for myself for next year!

That could have made things easier for...well...everybody.

The SECOND being: Do NOT place balloons on the back of each child's chair! They will become a distraction and everything you've practiced will become 2nd to the fact that a bright colored balloon is tied just inches above their head!


BUT....did I mention how cute they were!


Yesterday I built a model airplane.
The little man was pointing and instructing and barking orders a mile a minute....while I sat surrounded by over 60 color coded pieces on the carpet.
"Faster Mom....faster!"
I just don't perform like his Father on things like this...but hey, I was trying:)
"hey...let me place the "FRO-PELLAR" on the front when your done, deal!?"


The SECOND I got done with that thing....he glanced at it (I have to admit...I was so proud of myself for figuring that kind of BOY thing out) and he said, "Now make me a robot."


He disappeared into his bedroom while I answered the phone and proceeded to tell Jarom how awesome I was for building a freaking model airplane. If you only understood how incapable I am of doing things like'd be impressed! It was nothing short of a miracle...I promise.

Moments later....Jaxson reappeared with a mask covering his little eyes and a Batman cape velcroed around his little neck. Each time he dresses as a Superhero I laugh harder than the time before. It never gets's hysterical. He waltzed in like nothing was differnt. Everything was as it should be....and then he proceeded to jump and (fly) off the couch.

At moments like that....I wonder what princess dresses and baby dolls would be like.

Different world...definitely.


Every girl deserves one of each in my book:)
....and although I can't WAIT to buy bows and sparkley shoes...
(and it better happen someday)

Right now, I am smitten with a certain little superhero.
Who can't decide if he wants to be Spiderman or a Firefighter when he grows up. Tough choice.

Whichever he chooses...I am and always will be his number one fan.

Congrats my little Smarty Pants.
You GRADUATED from preschool!

I love being your teacher.
I love being your mommy, more.


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