Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Green eggs and ham

This week I am at my sister's in Springville.
We are spending 6-7 hours a day teaching preschool!
Kayla's getting paid. I'm not:)
BUT...I'm loving it anyways.
Kayla's done it for years now!
I am more tagging along: "observing" and "taking countless notes" and "comparing curriculum" and doing what I do best...being WAY TO MUCH OF A PERFECTIONIST than should be humanly possible. I just want to do it so badly...and do it well!
I just placed my first SCHOLASTIC book order since the 6th grade.
It was more fun than it should have been:)
This week we are celebrating Dr. Suess's birthday. It's not until March 2nd actually...but it takes a whole week to celebrate something this big, ya know?!?
We are busy reading "Cat in the Hat" & "Green eggs and Ham" during circle time.
We even made some and ate it (green eggs that is).
First time I've ever eaten green eggs I'm pretty sure:)
We tried balancing balls and books and blocks...just like the story. We mastered scissors and MAN ALIVE my child has a passion for cutting that I never knew about! ha ha. Oh-and glue sticks. He is IN LOVE with glue sticks.
The pizza man came today and taught us how to make pizza. We played with the texture of the dough and devoured 2 slices of pizza each:) We also made collages with crunched up green eggshells! We tasted several green items: m&m, apple, pea, fruit roll up...and then worked on our graphing skills to decide which we liked best!
I am temporarily obsessed with an autistic child named JAX. Simply precious. He always wants me to read to him. I do. One girl has Cystic Fibrosis and a feeding tube. She has the cutest, sassy little haircut that makes your heart melt. I observed a speech therapy session that was adorable. Why do children have such a hard time with the Letter "T"?!? I learned how to help that.
My child switches the T for an F. Try saying Truck a few times with an F...then you'll know what my life in public is like with Jaxson:)
Yep. I'm pretty sure I will love this new adventure. I have an intense love for children. I think while I was watching Table Time today I pin pointed exactly why. They all have such different personalities...and at such a young ages they are immune to "gossip" or "pressures" or "social norms".
Unlike adults...They NEVER NEVER NEVER conform in order to be impress friends...or CHANGE to be what people want them to be. They are just themselves...through and through. THAT is why it's so easy to love Children.
They also say exactly what they think.
Which is way easier to relate to.
See---I do this too.
Sometimes you get into trouble...and deserve a timeout...but at least you're never "PRETENDING" to be ok with something that doesn't sit well with you. This has hurt me and helped me in my life...but I wouldn't change it for a second.
Like when Jaxson screamed "I AM NOT GONNA!" today at Miss Angie when she told us it was time to clean up. I love that he has passion...that he knows what he wants. As he grows and matures he will learn to direct that energy more specifically...but I don't view that as a "problem" or "act in need of discipline"....I view it as an active child who does a GREAT job communicating his feelings. Even if they aren't happy ones:) The teachers were also shocked by his ability to "DESCRIBE" things. He doesn't use the same descriptive words as most children, like Big or Small. Instead he prefers "THIS IS HUGE!!!" or "THAT IS SOOOO SO TINY".
Or uses phrases like "I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS"..."THAT KID IS PICKING A FIGHT WITH ME"..."THIS IS SO AWESOME"..."COME ON LITTLE FELLA"...and the most hilarous things ever.
I nervous laughed and acted like I had NO FREAKING IDEA how or why my child would have such an odd ability and love for describing things:) Jarom seems to know EXACTLY where he gets it from. There are far worse my opinion:)
Viewing something as a STRENGTH instead of a PROBLEM always builds confidence.
I have to say that my husband taught me this.
He embraces and encourages my "STRONG PERSONALITY".
Even the not-so-flattering things that I sometimes wish I could change.
He ALWAYS chooses to see the good.
Which brings me to my Jaxson.
I have had the opportunity to closely observe him this never before.
I have been right in the middle, hands-on, with kids surrounding me for story time.
I have stood back and let him be disciplined and corrected for improper classroom behavior.
He is obviously A YEAR AND A HALF to TWO YEARS younger than anyone else.
He has risen to the challenge with flying colors.
I am beaming with pride.
The child had never stood in line, made a craft, used scissors, a glue stick, sat perfectly during circle time, participated in gym, read quietly during library time and MAINLY just acted and KEPT UP WITH every single 4 year old for the past week. On top of that...he did the same routine TWICE a day, every day. This isn't just some ordinary preschool is a government funded, test in to, held at an elementary school, High-risk PRESCHOOL. They do things that I had no idea 4 year olds were capable of. They have funds that are rare, if not impossible. It proves that children are incredibly smart...and always capable of more than we think!
That is my mommy moment.
I was proud.
He was concerned that I didn't bring him a backpack.
He is excited. He is even more exhausted.
He has blisters from playing so hard.
(He can run faster than any of them Jarom.)
hee hee.
I will be back this weekend:)
I can't wait to implement some of the things I have seen.
You learn a lot of valuable things from children if you'll sit back and watch closely for a week.

1 comment:

The McClellan Family said...

Are you really starting a preschool? You are seriously the busiest person I know. Do you sleep? If we lived by you Kate would be the first student on your list. I have seen your parties I know how exciting you make activities. Bummer - maybe you guys could move to Washington?