EASTER that is...and I am c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e.l.y obsessed with holidays!!!
(that was the 100,000th time I've stated that on this thing..(the "blog" I mean) ha.
(that was the 100,000th time I've stated that on this thing..(the "blog" I mean) ha.
---all of this means I am getting anxious and ideas are flowing so quickly they keep me up at night---
Stop laughing Mandi...you are SOOO the same.

I have many plans up my sleeve...and have been collecting little things and stashing them in the cupboard for weeks now. If I spend 5 bucks here and there....Jarom never seems to notice:) I work him like crazy....and he never catches on. Sigh.
The best part is he rarely reads this...so I won't be found out either.
I found Jaxson the most darling Easter basket that looks like a Baseball----truly fitting of my little sport-obsessed child. I have to admit...I thoroughly enjoy having such a manly man for a son. I'm not quite sure how I'd take the whole "Mom I want to: sing...dance...be on broadway...be artistic in any way shape or form" kind of a conversation. (Sure I do...what am I saying. I would nod and smile and reassure him of my unconditional love...then talk to Jarom about what Dr. we should visit! Pronto:)
I am kidding...only kidding people.
sort of.
I found Jaxson the most darling Easter basket that looks like a Baseball----truly fitting of my little sport-obsessed child. I have to admit...I thoroughly enjoy having such a manly man for a son. I'm not quite sure how I'd take the whole "Mom I want to: sing...dance...be on broadway...be artistic in any way shape or form" kind of a conversation. (Sure I do...what am I saying. I would nod and smile and reassure him of my unconditional love...then talk to Jarom about what Dr. we should visit! Pronto:)
I am kidding...only kidding people.
sort of.
His strong and willful opinion make my life more fun...and give my ideas more "direction"... if you will.
His strong and willful opinion make my life more fun...and give my ideas more "direction"... if you will.
For example, if my child didn't hyperventilate when seeing a ball I wouldn't find SHEER JOY in buying the little plastic eggs that look like sports balls to hide his treats in! I would also be shamefully unaware of just how excited he could get over a Snickers with a basketball picture on the wrapper or throw pillows for his bed that are actually full scale replica's of footballs and soccer balls (shopko specials...8.99)! Yep...I enjoy that my child KNOWS what he likes...it makes holidays (and regular days too) much more fun.

I ordered him a little something special today. I am so freaking excited. The EASTER bunny will be delivering it in 11 short days....and his baseball-basket shall be waiting on TOP!!!
I have also been thinking a LOT lately about properly teaching him to work or EARN things instead of being spoiled so rotten that he's mushy and ruined....(AKA/living with grandparents will do that to an ONLY-GRANDBABY).
I came up with a little chore/activity chart to give Jaxson for Easter as well. I wish I could claim the great idea...but the HOWE family link on the side of my blog is overflowing with creative ideas....ALWAYS. I just love HER LOVE for motherhood. She inspires me to be creative....and I love projects so...WAHLAH!

Everybody can make one to FIT their childs age, personality, needs, etc.
I made the rules of mine a bit different! The first three things on each day are CHORES that Jax must complete. If he does all three that day he can choose a reward (which is anything listed in the last column going up and down!) He simply adores all of these things...and the chores are very fitting of his age and things I want him to learn well right now. I can easily change the chores and reward activities as he grows so that they stay pertinent to his level:)
I thought it was fun. He has already mastered his colors and we started only a few days ago.
Jaxson's room (also referred to as the 5 boxes that contain his room STUFF in our storage bay 20 minutes south of here) is going to be SPORTS. Who would have guessed??? Yes...I might have bought the bedding for his big boy bed when he was only 8 months old....but Pottery Barn was discontinuing the cutest thing I had ever laid eyes on. What would you have done??? It is going to be darling (it is in my dreams anyways) and I have been collecting stuff for a solid year...so I'm pretty sure it will be cluttered and hectic....BUT I have 2 of the most adorable magnet boards for his room...and thought I would make his activity chart SPORTS-ISH too, to go along with the theme ya know?!?
Jarom calles it OCD. I call it particular:)
It's sounds so much nicer.
Regardless, of his teasing...he can't take away one ounce of my excitement for the upcoming holiday. I THINK IT'S MY FAVORITE ONE...hands down.
I have so many special memories of Easter traditions growing up!
The Easter dresses, songs we sang in primary, easter egg hunts, coloring eggs, annual barbeque, racing our eggs down the sand hills, bright spring-ish new CLOTHES:):), an easter basket filled with makeup, the feel of spring! OH my....I cannot wait.
The Easter dresses, songs we sang in primary, easter egg hunts, coloring eggs, annual barbeque, racing our eggs down the sand hills, bright spring-ish new CLOTHES:):), an easter basket filled with makeup, the feel of spring! OH my....I cannot wait.
---and of course, the true meaning of EASTER...which you will find HERE----
A pretty special Holiday....with a pretty special meaning.
cute~ i love the earning chart you made for Jax! that is a great idea. the only chart i have around here is a potty training chart with stickers. but that isn't getting any use! not just yet at least:)
sooo funny. i have sports easter eggs too! i saw them and couldn't pass them up. i knew max would LOVE them. i found plastic ones you open up and put your own candy inside, then i found some clear eggs with different ball shaped wrapped candies inside. the latter was at tj maxx of all places:)
oh, and have you seen the chocolate race cars? you know, instead of a chocolate bunny {so girly haha}, there are chocolate-shaped race cars. pretty cute.
anyway, i love easter too. it's such a fun holiday!!!
You are very creative and I love the chart that you made. I also love easter and got excited. I found the same eggs at a grocery store out here and bought them. I can't put snickers in them, but I am going to fill them with the Gerber puffs that he can snack on. I got him a cute suit to wear that has a tie and everything and a new stuffed animal. I love spoiling also so I think it's great that you are putting that chart together. I will do something similar when he gets old enough to know.
You are so funny. I love that Jarom never reads your blogs. Chad always reads mine as soon as I post them and tells me about all the grammer errors I made. Sometimes he just goes and edits them without telling me. I never notice. How are yo guys?
Easter's only fun when you're a kid or you have a kid so the only thing I'm looking forward to is seeing both our families! I guess holidays give us a good reason to go home for a weekend and I'm thankful for that.:)
Are you for real.......................................
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