Me and Jarom were "meant to be"!!!
Sounds very cliche' and cheesy....but it's true!
Here's why....
I have never laughed so hard, well.... (WE... have never laughed so hard) as when we realized that ......we had both carefully selected the EXACT SAME
V-DAY CARD for each other!
It was quite the coincidence...and actually very fitting of us, I must say. I have said MANY MANY times that we have the exact same sense of humor...and I am still amazed at how TRUE it is. It was the First thing that attracted us....and still what keeps us going strong after 5 years together. Laughter is truly the best medicine:)
The story is as follows:
We're driving out of town on Friday evening...Jarom turns to me and says...
...and I quote...
"Your card is awesome. I always choose better cards than has AUDIO!"
(in an oddly excited voice...that reminds me of something off of Napoleon Dynamite)
I giggle...and quickly respond...."Whatever! are going to die when you read mine. I got it over a MONTH is hilarious and it also has AUDIO!"
The conversation continues....
Jarom: "Oh no. Is yours sqaure?"
Me: "You idiot. All audio cards are square! and is"
Jarom: "Does yours happen to have a cartoon character on it?"
Me: "Maybe. Why? does yours?"
Both of us: "HOLY CRAP! are you serious. It is hilarious, huh?
Me (explaining my choice): "I walked the card isle and read almost 30 cards honey...then decided to get the one that I felt was the most fitting of "YOU" .
Jarom (explaining his choice): "Really...I read a ton as well...then decided to get the one that was the most fitting of "ME".
My husband is so wierd:)
...But I love him. And I'm grateful that he's mine....all mine.
...a V-day card with Homer romantic are we??? :)
...although our cards were the Love Letter was better....I'm guessing from his grin!!!
...and yes I say grin...because that is about as excited as Jarom gets. I am serious. Those who know him...understand.
He got: Decor for his Work Office. It has horrible plain white walls...and I couldn't take it any longer. Bucket of Paint...Huge Mirror...Framed pictures of his son..(and me).
....and a Blackberry Curve...
He got me: a week with my fam in St. George....and a portable hard drive for all my pics and digi scrapbook stuff! Does this mean I can take all my crap everywhere with me and scrapbook in the car??? Why, yes it does:) Thanks honey. Love it.
To Back-Up a bit---both grandma's spent some time with Jax on Friday afternoon before we headed out of town...they smothered him with love and V-day gifts...
Gift from nanny Jeri.

Gift from nanny Natalie.

The Monkey Balloon was a hit.
I'm so grateful he is SO LOVED:)

Mommy (Me) had to lug all the celebratory decor and gifts to our various locations....since we did a lot of traveling over the past week. V-day morning was spent in Springville:)
So Cupid delivered to Springville this year.
Jaxson is getting more and more excited over holidays.
.....As is his mother:)
The Large Bag of red, white and pink balloons for $1.00 was the best purchase of the year! Go me. His eyes lit up and he was in heaven. "BALLOON...BALLOON... he kept screaming."
I blew em' up...and tossed them all over the family room.
Him: Sheer Happiness!
Me: Mission Accomplished!
Can you tell by his face???
Don't judge my child from this picture, ok? He looks....well....I can't explain it. HOWEVER-I can admit that it was the most funny experience of my life...watching his expression! It's crazy how much he is growing (mentally) each day. Christmas was only 6 weeks ago...and his reaction was about 10 times more entertaining:)
He exclaims with excitement, "OH MY!" "CANDY...and BALLOONS!" "NO WAY!"
Where he learns these statements...I have no clue.
I also opened a bag of reeses hearts and dumped them all over the couch. Way to make a little go a long way, Kristin. It worked...can you see him hoarding them in his little hands.
He LOVED gathering them up...
Just wait til' Easter Jax....hunting eggs might throw you over the edge!
I stuffed his gift with tissue 10 pieces. He picked each one of them out one-by-one and threw it in the air. This kid is hilarious these days. I'm not sure where his little personality came from. He is so full of it.
Cupid brought a shirt...
...some candy....
...a giant stuffed frog...
which was a hit...because this kid can't get enough of frogs these days.
His new obsessions include:
balls/bats/hats (is still obsessed and always has been)
his blue snow boots
popsies (popsicles)
his Daddy
The last one on the list is darling...but is really starting to wear on me after an entire week with both of them!!! He...NOT EVEN sick of his dad and wanted his mommy. I tried not to pay attention to this minor detail...but it was impossible :(
Just wait til' he's old enough to know I AM THE ONE who bought those balloons. THEN we'll see who is his favorite Jarom...
Pictures of our St. George Vaca coming soon. It was perfect weather...and was horrific coming home to literally 8-10 inches of more SNOW! I desperately need Spring to come....we went swimming... OUTSIDE...YESTERDAY...enough said. I come home to the fireplace running full-force and a house full of people with colds. What? No fair.
Lots of fun was had by all.
Mostly eating...bbq' playing at the park.
Just got home a few hours ago...and tomorrow it's back to reality! Unpacking, laundry and being trapped indoors avoiding 12 degree weather.
Thanks honey for the wonderful vacation:) You know just when we need a "break" and I cherish the one-on-one time we get to spend with Jax:) It means the world.
That's pretty funny that you guys got eachother the same card. I'm going to post the card that Bryce got me cause it's pretty funny and is totally fitting.:) Jaxson got spoiled for Valentine's Day and he looked cute opening it all up. He's a funny kid! Can't wait to see him this next weekend.:)
Girl love this pg set up and you havesuch a beautiful family. I love the birthday stuff your son had on his birthday. My son turned 2 on Jan 7 his name is Jaxson Douglas. I some how ran across your profile I will be getting stationed in may when my husband returns home and i want to have Jaxson a birthday party for his 2 yr birthday since we have not got to have one for him yet due to all the busyness we have been going through. I was wondering if you could give me some tip or tell me where you got all that cute stuff. You can get back with me at my email which is or i have myspace and it is www. and you can message me there also. Hope to here back from you. thanks marine wife tina
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